Without you ... I die

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Diet Coke is my lifesaver. I typically start the drip around 8:30 a.m. - which today was less than six hours after I GOT HOME from the movie.

Needless to say, I'm in love with this product. Too bad I don't have a killer blog that would get me noticed by Coke so that I could get all the product I've ever wanted.

Hey - a girl can dream, right?

"Decaffeinated coffee is the devil's blend." ~ Author Unknown

VIP baby

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nothing says VIP like a plain white envelope with your name written on it. Yep - that's how we roll in the Big O!

Guess I shouldn't complain. This plain white envelope got my sister and I in to see the midnight showing of Sex & the City 2 - a suitable sequel following the lives of Carrie et al. It got us reserved seats (though we still had to wait in line to get in??). It granted us access to what was quite possibly the lamest fashion show ever - seriously, bridal fair fashion shows look professional compared to this thing! Luckily, there were some pretty entertaining models in the show (both "models" and "show" used loosely here).

Thankfully, the movie was pretty good. Not great - but fairly entertaining. I won't go into great depth on the plot or what I thought about it, because I'm sure all of my zero readers plan to see the movie at some point in time. Let's just say that the previews highlighting Aiden's return ... well, they were a bit more than misleading to those of us who have been in love with him since his arrival on the show.

Ah well, I still plan to see it again - maybe from some reserved VIP seats at the new Cinedine in town. $15 ticket gets us the movie from a comfy couch, seatside cocktail service and dinner. Count me in!

"I like my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet." ~ Carrie Bradshaw

FYI - the best part of the night was quite possibly the preview for Drew Barrymore and Justin Long's new movie, Going the Distance. Holy amazing - I can not wait to see that movie!

Sex. And. The. City ... numero dos

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've waited until the end of the day to post ... BECAUSE I WON TICKETS TO THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING OF SEX AND THE CITY 2!! So I'll snap some shots while I'm there and put up today's post tomorrow (pretty sure it's okay to miss deadline for AIDEN - I miss it for other, less hot, things ALL the time!)

Anywho - I'm so stoked I can't even explain it ... and I look forward to writing all about it tomorrow!

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn." ~ Gore Vidal

**what I'm praying will happen in tonight's movie! ♥ Aiden!!**

Lab ... the NEW Peony Park

 Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Phlebotomists, blood samples, obnoxious vendor representatives ... and peonies. It's all in a day's work for this PR chick!

Spent the better part of the day babysitting coordinating a video shoot about a product one of our vendors has in our consolidated lab and one of our hospital labs. Awesome job I have, right? The best part, however, was when one of the women who works at the lab brought in dozens of these beautiful peonies from her garden.

Apparently she does this a couple times each summer to brighten up the place a little - and I couldn't be more jealous of the men and women who work in that lab. However (and not to make it completely about me - although it IS my blog ...), when I told the woman that peonies are my absolute favorite and that my one gardening goal this year is to plant some, she gave me a little advice. Plant peonies in the fall. She didn't tell me why - but c'mon, look at how beautiful her's are ... I would be stupid not to follow her advice.

"Bread feeds the body,  indeed - but flowers feed also the soul." ~ The Koran

So ... come fall, I will (hopefully) be the proud owner and caretaker of a peony bush!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Actually had quite a lot going on today - which is why I wasn't able to snap any photos of it. Apparently people frown upon random employees stopping their work to take photos for a personal blog ... who knew?

But seriously, my day almost always ends on a high note - with this cute little guy, Max. I guarantee that I'll post at least one Max photo a month (if not one a week)! I just love my puppy so stinking much I can't stand it sometimes!!

The worst part? He's such a little butthead - and he knows that he can put on his cute little face and we'll let him off the hook for pretty much anything. Honestly ... I think he might actually get a little more fired up each time he gets in trouble. Go figure.

Maybe once we figure out how to discipline a dog ... then we might start to think about having a child!

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." 
~ Bern Williams

Oh - and apparently Max is a ghost. At least that's what this part of our little photo shoot outside proved to us today. Creepy ... but kind of fun, right!? Either way, I felt I had to share it!

The Magic of Mr. Gnome

Sunday, May 23

Is there anything better than a lawn gnome with his pants half down? I'm pretty sure there isn't - especially when the bride at a wedding you're attending can't stand him!

That said ... today's theme is around a little guy I've nicknamed "Mr. Gnome." You see, another friend gave Mr. Gnome to T & L as a housewarming gift a couple of years ago. Then, randomly, he showed up in our front yard this past week.

Thankfully, things like this don't really bother me. Instead, I decided to turn it into a game. Because L is quite possibly the only person annoyed by Mr. Gnome - and because it was the week of her wedding - I decided to incorporate the little guy into all of the wedding festivities. First, he made his way into their wedding gift - which we gave to them at the rehearsal dinner (since it was hosted at our house & we didn't really want to bring a grill downtown for the wedding).

Then yesterday Mr. Gnome showed up to help us set up the honeymoon suite for T & L. He had some great ideas, too, like setting up LED candles to form a path into the room and sprinkling rose petals throughout the suite to help set the mood (he's a romantic, that Mr. Gnome).

He then went to O'Connors for drinks with us after the ceremony and wrapped up his night with a spin around the dance floor at the reception (literally, it was a spin - he's apparently an amazing break dancer)

Unfortunately (or is it luckily??), Mr. Gnome still came home with us. But it's only a matter of time before he finds a new home with one of our friends. The only question now, is which one!?

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
~ E.E. Cummings

New Beginnings

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today marks the start of several new adventures in my little corner of the world. For starters, a personal adventure: this blog. It's day one of a 365-day project - a year-long challenge, of sorts - in which I'll take a photo (or several) throughout the day then upload one (or several!) to help remember the day. It's based on a Project 365 concept. So ... wish me luck!

The second adventure, and the subject of my first photo, is the marriage of two of my closest friends, T & L. What started as a summer fling turned into one of the most amazing relationships I have ever had the privilege of being around.

Their relationship has convinced me that fate is real. Though I'll always believe that free will plays a major role in the way we lead our lives, I can no longer brush off fate as merely a set of romanticized coincidences. There are just some things, like today's wedding, that are meant to be - and that WILL happen - no matter how much we fight them.

"Fate is like gravity. You can jump up and down until your heart's content, but the earth still falls into the sun, and the sun still courses through the galaxy." ~ Author Unknown

Congratulations T & L! Your wedding was beautiful, just like the love you share for each other. I am so grateful that I was able to share in your special day - and even more so that I can call you my friends, and, truly, a part of our family. I love you both!